Tat Tvam Asi (I am that!)

no face, no mind, no words.. nothing to call my own except these ramblings..

this right here is the end of the road…

In the intricate dance of relationships, we often find ourselves tiptoeing on the edge of the unknown, blissfully unaware of the invisible limits that quietly shape our connections. It’s a delicate balance, a harmony disrupted when the wrong piece of the puzzle is forced into place. We reach a point where the road, once so promising, begins to crumble beneath our feet.

This journey to the end is not always marked by grand gestures or explosive fights; sometimes, it’s the quiet unraveling of words that seals the fate. Words, sharp and unforgiving, hold a power that transcends the mightiest of pens. Once spoken, they linger in the air, leaving an permanent mark that cannot be erased like ink on paper.

As we navigate the complexities of human connection, it’s crucial to recognise the pivotal role that communication plays. The very words that once bound two souls together can become the catalyst for their undoing. It’s a paradoxical dance, where the same force that builds bridges can also dismantle them.

In this reflection on the journey’s end, we confront the unexpected reasons that propel us toward closure. It’s a stark reminder that the narrative of our relationships is not always under our control. Sometimes, the reasons for parting ways emerge from the shadows, catching us off guard and forcing us to acknowledge the fragile nature of our emotional landscapes.

And so, here we stand at the edge of the cliff, where control slips through our fingers, and the road concludes. It’s a testament to the unpredictable nature of love and connection—where one wrong move, one ill-fated word, can alter the course of a story that we never thought would reach its final chapter and probably this right here is the end of that road!

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